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Microaggressions: The Subtle Knives We Overlook.

Microaggressions: The Subtle Knives We Overlook.

We often think of discrimination and prejudice as loud, explicit, and obvious. But the most pervasive form of harm is far more subtle microaggressions. These are the everyday comments, actions, or behaviors that, often unintentionally, communicate bias or reinforce stereotypes. They may seem small or insignificant on the surface, but their cumulative effect can be […]

A Front-Row Seat to the Kamala Harris vs. Trump Debate: Bold Poise vs. Bluster.

A Front-Row Seat to the Kamala Harris vs. Trump Debate: Bold Poise vs. Bluster.

As I watched the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump unfold, it became increasingly clear that this was more than just a political event it was a vivid illustration of two clashing worldviews. Trump, as expected, leaned into his familiar tactics of deflection and blame, particularly when it came to issues like race and […]