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5 Signs You Might Be in a One-Sided Love Affair.

5 Signs You Might Be in a One-Sided Love Affair.

Navigating the tricky waters of unrequited love can be a bit like trying to read a map in the dark. Here are five light-hearted tips to help you spot when love might be a one-way street:

  1. Solo Conversations: If you’re finding that your texts are starting to look like soliloquies from a Shakespeare play, it might be a sign that the feelings aren’t quite mutual. Remember, it’s a conversation, not a monologue!
  2. Plan Maker Extraordinaire: If you’re always the planner and your invites are met with “maybe” more often than “yes,” you might be rowing this boat alone. A mutual interest involves some planning enthusiasm from both sides.
  3. Gifts Galore with Little Encore: You’re showering them with thoughtful gifts and poetic notes, but the biggest gift you get in return is a smiley face emoji. It’s sweet, but not quite the gift exchange balance you were looking for.
  4. One-Way Cheerleader: You’re their biggest fan at every game or event, but when it’s your turn, the stands are a bit empty. Mutual cheering squads are the hallmark of reciprocated love!
  5. Mismatched Future Plans: You casually mention a concert next year, and they sweat at the idea of planning anything beyond next week. If your plans sound like a duet and theirs are more of a solo act, it might be time to reassess the playlist.

Navigating unrequited love with a smile can help turn a potentially heart-wrenching experience into a step toward finding a love that sings back. Keep it light, and remember, the right person is out there!

By Edima Columbus

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