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Why Are You Checking Out Your Partner’s Friend?

Why Are You Checking Out Your Partner's Friend?

It’s a scenario that can catch anyone off guard: you find yourself attracted to your partner’s friend. Whether it’s a passing thought or a lingering feeling, it can leave you questioning your intentions and the state of your relationship. But why does this happen?

  1. Proximity and Familiarity: Spending time with your partner’s friends can lead to developing feelings for them. The more you interact with someone, the more likely you are to find common ground and, potentially, attraction.
  2. Comparative Analysis: Seeing your partner’s friend can sometimes trigger comparisons between them and your partner. You may notice qualities in their friend that you find attractive but were unaware of before.
  3. Novelty and Excitement: Sometimes, attraction to a partner’s friend can stem from the excitement of something new and different. The novelty of getting to know someone new can create feelings of attraction.
  4. Unmet Needs or Dissatisfaction: Attraction to a partner’s friend may indicate underlying issues within the relationship. It could be a sign of unmet needs or dissatisfaction that you are seeking elsewhere.
  5. Human Nature: Ultimately, attraction is a natural part of being human. It’s normal to find other people attractive, even if you’re in a committed relationship.

However, acting on those feelings is a different matter.
What should you do if you find yourself attracted to your partner’s friend? First, acknowledge your feelings and take some time to understand where they’re coming from. Communicate openly and honestly with your partner about how you’re feeling. Remember, being attracted to someone else doesn’t necessarily mean there’s anything wrong with your relationship—it’s how you choose to handle those feelings that truly matters.

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