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How to Support Friends Who Are “T” Over Their Ex.

How to Support Friends Who Are "T" Over Their Ex.

So, your friend is going through the classic post-breakup phase. They’re “T” over their ex, and you want to be there for them without accidentally turning into a relationship detective. Here are some light-hearted tips on how to be the best friend ever without overstepping:

  1. Avoid the Detective Act: Resist the urge to interrogate them about their ex’s latest Instagram post. It’s tempting, we know, but let’s keep the mystery alive.
  2. Distract, Don’t Dig: Instead of asking about their ex, plan fun distractions! Movie nights, game evenings, or even a spontaneous karaoke session can be excellent remedies.
  3. Listen, Don’t Lecture: If they want to talk about it, lend an ear. Offer support, not solutions. Sometimes, all they need is someone to listen.
  4. Encourage Self-Love: Remind them of how awesome they are! Boost their confidence and encourage self-care. A little extra self-love never hurt anyone.
  5. Patience, Patience, Patience: Remember, healing takes time. Be patient and let them move at their own pace. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is getting over an ex.
  6. Be the Master of Distraction: Seriously, become a pro at distraction techniques. Bring out the big guns: cute animal videos, hilarious memes, and maybe even a dance-off in the living room.
  7. No “Ex” Talk Allowed: Agree on a no-ex-talk zone. Make a pact to keep conversations ex-free unless they initiate it.
  8. Gentle Encouragement: When they’re ready, gently encourage them to get back out there. But remember, there’s no rush. They’ll do it in their own time.
  9. Have Fun!: Most importantly, have fun together. Remind them that life is full of amazing moments, with or without an ex.
    Remember, being there for your friend doesn’t mean you have to play detective or therapist.

Sometimes, all they need is a good laugh and a friend like you by their side!

How to Support Friends Who Are “T” Over Their Ex.

Supporting a Partner Battling PTSD.

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