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3 Prominent Ghanians And Countings Have Died To Covid19

Ghana recorded 3 prominents men to have died of Covid-19 on Monday 18 January 2021.

The waves of coronavirus is also on the high round the city of Ghana.

  It was reported at the early hour on Monday  that Ghana had lost three key personalities within the past few days and many people can not hide the pain. As it was recorded, the Managing Editor of the Insight newspaper, Kwesi Pratt Jnr, has reportedly lost his junior brother, Nana Banyin Pretty, who died after battling covid19. And the National Security Coordinator, Joshua Kyeremeh died also from Covid-19.

This was revealed by the National Security Secretary while he confirmed that the security capo died in the early hours of Monday, January 18, 2021.

 The deceased was said to be receiving treatment for COVID-19 at the Ga East Municipal Hospital before he died. 

However, it has also  been reported that, the Head of Corporate Finance at Fidelity Bank, Leornard Gikunu died of Covid-19. While his death  has been recorded as the  3rd patients who died of covid19 on moday 18th January, 2021.


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