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Is Your Partner a Narcissist or Just an Asshole?

Is Your Partner a Narcissist or Just an Asshole?

Are you wondering if your partner’s behavior falls under the category of narcissism or just good old-fashioned jerkiness? Well, fear not, Here’s a guide to help you navigate this tricky terrain.

  1. Selfie-obsessed or Self Love Advocate?

Narcissist: Takes more selfies than you have hairs on your head.
Asshole: Takes selfies at your grandma’s funeral.

  1. Conversation Conundrum:

Narcissists: Only talk about themselves, even during your monologue about finding a cure for world hunger.
Asshole: Only talks about themselves, even when you’re bleeding from a paper cut.

  1. The Blame Game:

Narcissist: Everything is your fault, including the weather.
Asshole: Everything is your fault, including their terrible taste in music.

  1. Empathy, Where Art Thou?

Narcissist: Only understands the word “empathy” because it has “me” in it.
Asshole: Thinks empathy is a rare species of Amazonian tree frog.

  1. Attention-Seeking Behavior:

Narcissist: Throws a tantrum if the spotlight isn’t constantly on them.
Asshole: Throws a tantrum if the spotlight isn’t constantly on them, even at your surprise birthday party.

In the grand scheme of things, whether your partner is a narcissist or just an asshole might not matter much. The important thing is recognizing that you deserve someone who treats you with kindness, respect, and, dare we say, a healthy dose of humility. So, if your partner’s behavior consistently leaves you feeling less than fabulous, it might be time to upgrade to a partner who thinks the sun shines out of your, well, you know.

Remember, life’s too short to spend it with someone who makes you feel like the side salad to their main course. You’re the whole darn meal, my friend!

Is Your Partner a Narcissist or Just an Asshole?

Overcoming the fear of being alone.

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