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Barrack Obama, Declares Full Support For Presidential Candidate Joe Biden

The Presidential election for the United States of America is quiet approaching,mean while, both contestants strongly stoods their ground and has participated in the debate which gave them the ultimate chances to have full supports from the citizens by convincing them.

It’s a well known fact that, the world at large is watching and waiting to know who will emerge the winner of the Presidential election.The contestants includes, Incubent President Donald Trump of the Republican party and Joe Biden of the Democrat party.

Barrack Obama,The former President of the United States has openly declared his support for  Joe Biden who happens to be his vise president during his reign.

However, the incubent president,Donald Trump who has been so  controversial particularly on immigration laws is seeking re-election to the White House. He has been on the neck of the citizens via social media encouraging them on a sneer of manesto to have a full supports from The  citizens.

As the whole world awaits the drum beats to be over to see who will  emerge the winner of the U.S presidential election,

Who do you think will finally cover his head with the presidential hat at the end of the the election?

Barrack Obama, Declares Full Support For Presidential Candidate Joe Biden

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Barrack Obama, Declares Full Support For Presidential Candidate Joe Biden

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