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President Donald Trump, Told To Accept Defeat!

#The incubent U.S. president”Donald Traump” told to accept election defeat.

The U.S presindential candidate for democratic party” Joe Bolton” called on the US public to “not adhere to his opposition candidate”Donald Trump” on his potential ungracious defeat amid more than 150 million Americans being expected to cast their vote in the US election today. The latest polls have shown key battleground states, including Florida, Pennsylvania and Michigan, are too close to call a frontrunner. On Monday, a CBS News/YouGov found that Joe Biden was leading with 66 percent to 32 percent.

Mr Trump has already hinted he may dispute the results of the election if he does not win.

He said: “We’re going to  see what will happen.

“You know that I’ve been complaining very strongly about the ballots, and the ballots are a disaster.”

Mr Bolton also believes Mr Trump will not go quietly if he loses the election.

He told Express.co.uk: “If he does lose the election, there’s been already speculation about what his reaction will be.
He will not leave graciously, whether he does anything that verges on the illegal or improper remains to be seen.
“But it certainly is the case that when he says things like, ‘I can’t lose unless the election has been rigged, then that is not true’.

“There is a lot of support for the proposition that he is going to lose the popular vote in a completely transparent and free and fair way.”

“My view is that there is a character test for republicans at stake here.

“If he tries to do something outrageous, we need to stand up and say we do not accept it.

“It’s always legitimate to be on the alert for fraud, it’s always legitimate to use the existing state statutory remedies if an election is very close.

“I spent 31 days in Florida in 2000 when Al Gore did not accept the results of the election against George Bush – he contested Florida and it was his statutory right to contest Florida.

 Flashing back in July, Donald Trump disagreed with the results been presented, which prone his reaction when he also refused to accept the results if previous Democrat tribal Hillary Clinton won back in 2016.

He said: “I have to see. Look … I have to see.

“No, I’m not going to just say yes.

As is it, Mr Biden inditerectly still referred to Donald Trump “being matched out of the White House if he lost the election.

In his statement he said: “The American people will decide this election, and the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House.”

President Donald Trump, Told To Accept Defeat!

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