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Mema Ngunga Would Be Speaking And Taking Questions Live Online At The Afro-Bloggers Convention

Mema Ngunga was born in Nairobi Kenya, came to study in Germany, she holds a BSc. in Business Administration Audit, Tax and Financial Accounting.

She is the founder of African Professionals in Germany, a network for African Professionals in Germany.

Leader of the ~My Personal Finances~ Project which help people save and invest at least 30 percent of their monthly net income with the goal of achieving financial freedom.

We can all live a financially stress free life if we choose to but most of us choose not to, especially the African Diasporans in Germany and she would love to change that. 

When she is not working you will find her playing squash or reading a book. 

Mema Ngunga would be speaking and taking questionns online via Zoom on the topic “Afro-empowerment (Youth)” at the “Afro-Bloggers Convention” tomorrow the 20th June 2020, time 5pm, join by registering on the Afro-Bloggers section of this website or on this: link https://bit.ly/AfroBloggersConvention. 

Mema Ngunga Would Be Speaking And Taking Questions Live Online At The Afro-Bloggers Convention

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