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5 Signs That Your Boss Might Just Be Your “Favorite” Person at Work.

5 Signs That Your Boss Might Just Be Your “Favorite” Person at Work.

We’ve all been there, right? Monday mornings when the coffee just isn’t strong enough and your inbox is already brimming with “URGENT” emails from—you guessed it—your beloved boss. Here are five lighthearted signs that your boss might just be a thorn in your side, wrapped up in a bundle of ‘constructive criticism’ and ‘motivational speeches.’

Their Name is a Notification Nightmare
Ever notice how your heart skips a beat for all the wrong reasons when their name pops up on your phone? If the sight of an email, text, or missed call notification from your boss sends your stress levels skyward, your boss might just be your least favorite alarm clock.

You’re a Pro at Decoding Emails
Has deciphering the tone of your boss’s emails become tougher than cracking a bank safe? If you find yourself seeking second and third opinions trying to figure out if “fine” really means fine or something akin to doom, congratulations, you’ve become a pro decoder!

Sudden Meetings Are Your New Cardio
Forget gym memberships! The adrenaline rush from hearing “Can you step into my office for a moment?” is your new cardio workout. Bonus points if the path to their office suddenly feels like you going fast on a thread mill.

Your Mimicry Skills Are Top-Notch
Do you find yourself mimicking your boss for comic relief at home? If your impression makes people laugh their hearts out, you are this close to losing your cool at work.

Vacation Planning Feels Like a Strategic Game
Planning a vacation? The strategy involved in picking the right time to ask for time off might rival that of a chess grandmaster. If getting your leave approved feels more like a covert ops mission, your boss’s presence in your life might just be a tad too influential.

While it’s always good to have a giggle over these quirks, remember, a supportive conversation can sometimes turn the tide.

5 Signs That Your Boss Might Just Be Your “Favorite” Person at Work.

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5 Signs That Your Boss Might Just Be Your “Favorite” Person at Work.

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