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Empathy: The Essential Human Trait You Can’t Afford to Skip.

Empathy: The Essential Human Trait You Can’t Afford to Skip.

Let’s be real empathy is that one human trait we all need in our daily survival kit. It’s like the Wi-Fi of social interactions, keeping everyone connected on the same wavelength. Without it, you’re stuck in airplane mode, cut off from the flow of understanding and connection that makes life interesting and, let’s admit it, […]

Balancing Marriage and Extended Family Responsibilities.

Balancing Marriage and Extended Family Responsibilities.

Marriage is often seen as the union of two individuals, but in many cultures, it is also the merging of two families. This integration brings with it an array of responsibilities, especially towards the extended family. While the primary focus in marriage is the new household being created, the obligations towards parents, siblings, and other […]

Has Patriarchy Been Kind to Women?

Has Patriarchy Been Kind to Women?

The concept of patriarchy, a social system in which men hold primary power and dominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege, and control of property, has deeply influenced societal structures throughout history. Examining whether patriarchy has been kind to women requires a critical analysis of historical and contemporary contexts. Historical Context Historically, […]

Social Etiquette We Often Neglect.

Social Etiquette We Often Neglect.

In our fast-paced, digitally connected world, many traditional aspects of social etiquette are often overlooked. Despite their seeming insignificance, these small gestures and practices can significantly impact our personal and professional relationships. Here, we explore some common aspects of social etiquette that are frequently neglected and why they still matter. In the rush of daily […]

Religion: The Imaginary Weight Dragging Africa Backward.

Religion: The Imaginary Weight Dragging Africa Backward.

Religion, a force deeply woven into the fabric of African societies, has long been a double-edged sword. It has inspired hope, fostered community, and provided a moral compass for millions. Yet, it also stands accused of being a significant barrier to progress on the continent. This dichotomy raises a critical question: Is religion an imaginary […]

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