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Facts About Women Who Are Attracted to Toxic Men.

Facts About Women Who Are Attracted to Toxic Men.

When it comes to love, some women have a knack for choosing the kind of man that leaves their friends raising eyebrows and asking, “Really?” While most people steer clear of the emotional rollercoasters, these women embrace the turbulence with open arms. They’re not clueless or lacking in self-awareness they’re just drawn to a special […]

The Battle Within Embracing a Conflicted Self.

The Battle Within Embracing a Conflicted Self.

Have you ever felt like two different people trapped in one mind, constantly pulled in opposite directions? Dealing with a conflicted personality is more common than we realize, and it can create inner turmoil that affects everything from decision-making to relationships. Understanding the root of this conflict and learning to harmonize these opposing forces can […]

Personal Vendetta with Yourself: Breaking the Chains of Self-Sabotage.

Personal Vendetta with Yourself: Breaking the Chains of Self-Sabotage.

We’ve all heard of the concept of a personal vendetta – a deep-seated grudge held against someone who’s wronged us. But what happens when the enemy is yourself? When the person standing in your way, holding you back, or throwing obstacles on your path is none other than you? It sounds strange, but many of […]

The Quiet Return of the "Trad Wife.

The Quiet Return of the “Trad Wife.

The “Trad Wife Revival” is slowly but surely making a comeback shh, don’t tell our moms! After years of being told to smash glass ceilings and embrace our independence, some women are quietly sneaking back into the kitchen, swapping power suits for aprons and willingly taking on roles that our old-school aunties would never approve […]

5 Ways, you can romanticize Your Life This August.

5 Ways, you can romanticize Your Life This August.

Life can sometimes get a little too serious, and we all need a good dose of humor and romance to brighten up our days. As August rolls in with the protest and the chaos in the country. It’s the perfect time to inject a little fun and romance into your life. So, ladies, get ready […]

It's Okay to Fail: Embracing the Journey of Trying.

It’s Okay to Fail: Embracing the Journey of Trying.

Failure is often viewed with a negative connotation. It’s seen as a setback, a sign of inadequacy, or an indicator of the impossibility of achieving a goal. However, failure is an integral part of the journey toward success and personal growth. To fail is to try, and to try is to strive for something beyond […]

Embracing Disability Pride Month.

Embracing Disability Pride Month.

July is Disability Pride Month, a time dedicated to celebrating the achievements, strengths, and contributions of people with disabilities. This month provides an important opportunity to reflect on how far society has come in recognizing and supporting individuals with disabilities, while also acknowledging the work that still needs to be done to eliminate stigmatization and […]