# Tags
Seeking Validation: Understanding and Addressing 'Pick Me' Behavior.

Seeking Validation: Understanding and Addressing ‘Pick Me’ Behavior.

In contemporary social interactions, the term “pick me” person has emerged to describe individuals who seek validation and approval by constantly showcasing their qualities, often at the expense of others. This behavior spans various contexts—from relationships and workplaces to social media—where these individuals go out of their way to appear more competent, agreeable, or unique. […]

How to Spot Autism in a Child.

How to Spot Autism in a Child.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects communication, behavior, and social interactions. Early identification and intervention can significantly improve the quality of life for children with autism. Here are some key signs and behaviors to look out for if you suspect a child might be on the autism spectrum. Early Signs in […]

Cultural Differences in Nigeria and Their Impact on Individuals.

Cultural Differences in Nigeria and Their Impact on Individuals.

Nigeria is a country of rich cultural diversity, home to over 250 ethnic groups, each with its languages, traditions, and social norms. This cultural mosaic profoundly influences various aspects of individual lives, including social interactions, economic opportunities, and educational outcomes. Here’s a brief overview of how cultural differences in Nigeria affect individuals. Cultural differences in […]