# Tags
Nepo Babies: Born with Silver Spoons and designer Baby Bibs".

Nepo Babies: Born with Silver Spoons and designer Baby Bibs”.

In a world where hard work is celebrated, some people are simply born into it literally. Enter the “Nepo Baby,” short for nepotism baby, a label for those lucky enough to be born into fame, fortune, and more Instagram followers than your average startup brand.While the rest of us were busy updating LinkedIn and perfecting […]

"Why We Don't Mind Coming Second to Our Man's Hustle".

“Why We Don’t Mind Coming Second to Our Man’s Hustle”.

Do women whine and complain when our men put us second? Well, let’s be real there’s a time and place for everything. Sure, we love attention, affection, and all that good stuff, but there’s something undeniably attractive about a man who’s dedicated to his hustle. We’re fine with coming second, as long as he’s grinding […]