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*Are Women Really Emotional Beings? Let’s Unpack*.

*Are Women Really Emotional Beings? Let’s Unpack*.

The age-old stereotype that women are “emotional beings” has been around for as long as anyone can remember. It’s often used as a blanket statement, with women supposedly swimming in their emotions while men, in contrast, are cool and collected. But let’s take a light-hearted look at this idea, shall we? Fact: We All Have […]

Are You Too Intelligent for Marriage?

Are You Too Intelligent for Marriage?

Ah, the age-old question: “Am I too intelligent for marriage?” If you’re rolling your eyes at this, it’s understandable. Let’s be real – intelligence isn’t some sort of marriage kryptonite. But in a world where smart women are often seen as intimidating, it can feel like a legit dilemma. So, let’s unpack this with a […]