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Are You Dealing With a Narcissistic Partner, Or Is the Person Just an Asshole?

Are You Dealing With a Narcissistic Partner, Or Is the Person Just an Asshole?

Whenever there’s a conversation about narcissists in relationships, you’ll find me in the middle of it because, let me tell you, I’ve been there. And it was draining like “battery on 5% with no charger in sight” kind of draining. To help my fellow babes avoid the mental gymnastics of figuring out if your partner […]

Familiarizing with Mental Abuse: Understanding Its Impact on Mental Health.

Familiarizing with Mental Abuse: Understanding Its Impact on Mental Health.

Mental abuse, also known as emotional or psychological abuse, is a form of manipulation that severely affects an individual’s mental health, often leaving deep scars that are not as visible as physical wounds. Unlike physical abuse, mental abuse is subtle, and it can sometimes be difficult to recognize. However, its consequences can be just as […]