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Are You Dealing With a Narcissistic Partner, Or Is the Person Just an Asshole?

Are You Dealing With a Narcissistic Partner, Or Is the Person Just an Asshole?

Whenever there’s a conversation about narcissists in relationships, you’ll find me in the middle of it because, let me tell you, I’ve been there. And it was draining like “battery on 5% with no charger in sight” kind of draining. To help my fellow babes avoid the mental gymnastics of figuring out if your partner […]

Don’t You Just Hate It When Male Friends Cross Your Boundaries?

Don’t You Just Hate It When Male Friends Cross Your Boundaries?

Ah, male friends in the safe zone of platonic relationships, or so we think. They’re supposed to be the guys who “get it,” who understand that not every interaction with a woman has to carry a romantic or sexual undertone. Yet, now and then, one of them throws a curveball that leaves you questioning everything.You’ve […]

Signs He’s Flirting with You: A Guide to Knowing When He’s Interested.

Signs He’s Flirting with You: A Guide to Knowing When He’s Interested.

Flirting can be subtle or bold, depending on his style and personality. But some tell-tale signs reveal when a guy is trying to make a move. Here are four ways to tell if a man is flirting with you! These signs are usually easy to spot once you know what to look for! Just remember […]

Is Love Bombing Healthy, or Is It Just Fireworks Without the Spark?

Is Love Bombing Healthy, or Is It Just Fireworks Without the Spark?

Love bombing it sounds dreamy, doesn’t it? Picture this: someone swoops into your life, flooding you with compliments, attention, and affection that can make your head spin. They send good morning texts, surprise you with flowers, and seem to hang on to your every word. It’s like Valentine’s Day on repeat! But while this whirlwind […]