New FIA President Muhammed Ben Sulayem Is Obsessed With Lewis Hamilton Or Is He On A Power Trip?

FIA new president Muhammed Ben Sulayem is stepping into his new job on the wrong foot, amidst the unsettling dust of corrupt decisions, of the last final of formula 1 race in Abu Dhabi, and the mess left behind by Michael Masi; when he decided to cheat Lewis Hamilton out of winning the race; and becoming the only driver to ever win eight championships.
Instead, Muhammed Ben Sulayem’s first approach was to talk about Hamilton facing the consequences of not attending the awards, where Max Verstappen whom he was cheated out in favour of, would be crowned.
The right thing should have been; him addressing the issue of FIA breaking its own rules, Muhammed Ben Sulayem should tell the F1 community, what he intends to do better to avoid such corruption ever happening again. But I guess he is thinking the fans would eventually let go; if he ignores the problem and pretends it never happened. But then he is surprised that Lewis Hamilton did not respond to his calls.