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Dr. Vivian Timothy: A Nigeria German Based Self Thought Multiple Award Winning Artist

Photograph: Amged Higazi

Dr. Vivian Timothy is a Nigeria German based multiple arward winning artist.

“My Biography:
I am Dr. Vivian Timothy, a self-taught multiple award winning Nigerian artist and currently live in Konigsbrunn, Germany. I have held several educational and sensitization projects through my Arts and presentations on the beauty of My cultural heritage, Gender inequality and challenging socio-economic injustice and stereotypes in Nigeria and Africa as a whole here in Germany, UK, Holland and USA on

Topics like:- Exploitation of natural resources, Giving back the voice to the African Rural women, Silent Expression, Flucht und Fluchtursachen, Kunst der Nachbarn, Back to the Roots,  on Identity and many others, because I believe strongly that for us to Contribute positively to the betterment of our environment, community and society as a whole we have to First define who we are. Personally! Knowing who I am, that is MY IDENTITY has made me or rather compelled me artistically and beyond to connect to the dynamics of the society thereby enabling me to create more, contribute, support and serve the community I find myself in.”

(The enlightened warrior)

We have rediscovered the spirit of the African Warrior in us.

We are gathering to change the narratives. 
Gathering with an unquenchable spirit of  the African warrior, surging forward to define, to protect and preserve their cultural and traditional heritage.
They are sick and tired of hearing their stories from other continental historians.

We have successfully decolonized our mindsets.
We have freed ourselves from preconceived notions and stereotypes and so have allowed ourselves to fully experience the world around you.

We love who we are.
We love present.
We have made peace with our past.
We are very much aware of the exploitation and the injustice done in the past and are still being done.
We have distanced ourselves from the roll of the victim.
and we are now…Author and Architect of our destiny.



Name: POST-COLONIALISM      (through her eyes)
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 140/120cm

Africa is experiencing another form of Colonialism. 
Post-Colonialism = By Sea
Neo-Colonialism = By Air.

“A state in the grip of neo-colonialism is not master of it’s own destiny. It is this factor that make neo-colonialism such a serious threat to world peace.”- Kwame Nkrumah 

Many parts of the world that are naturally rich are actually poor and parts that are not so well off in wealth of soil and sub-soil are enjoying the highest standards of living. Why?????
Chinese firms have begun a process of neocolonialism. 
Their companies attach large price tags to sparkling new airports, railway systems and highways that they know African governments cannot afford without heavy borrowing. The governments take loans that squeeze the countries’s credit rating, which were already under pressure. 

 It is true, AFRICA cannot achieve development unless it takes control of its resources! However, this is a very challenging mission not because it is difficult, but because colonial powers will never allow a truly nationalist leader to be in the lead. They know how to play their dirty games in order to obstruct any genuine attempt towards realization of sovereignty .
It’s time for all this chaos and destruction, oppression and colonialism/Neo-colonialism to end.

Neo-Colonialism = By Air.

Dr Vivian Timothy exhibiting her work and also a keynote speaker at a conference in Berlin titled “A FUTURE BEYOND THE GLOBAL COLOR LINE”

Dr. Vivian Timothy: A Nigeria German Based Self Thought Multiple Award Winning Artist

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Dr. Vivian Timothy: A Nigeria German Based Self Thought Multiple Award Winning Artist

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