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Are We Still Buying Human Hair at Outrageous Prices? The Hair Blend Trend is Taking Over!

Are We Still Buying Human Hair at Outrageous Prices? The Hair Blend Trend is Taking Over!

Let’s be real, ladies there was a time when owning human hair was the ultimate flex. The fuller the bundles, the pricier the piece, the higher the status. It was almost like carrying a designer bag, except this one sat on your head. Remember the days when we proudly boasted of rocking that Brazilian, Peruvian, […]

Owning Up to Your Mistakes: A Path to Growth and Integrity.

Owning Up to Your Mistakes: A Path to Growth and Integrity.

In a world where perfection is often glorified, admitting mistakes can be challenging. However, owning up to your mistakes is a crucial aspect of personal and professional growth. It fosters a culture of transparency, builds trust, and paves the way for improvement. This article delves into the importance of acknowledging errors, the benefits they bring, […]