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The Quiet Return of the "Trad Wife.

The Quiet Return of the “Trad Wife.

The “Trad Wife Revival” is slowly but surely making a comeback shh, don’t tell our moms! After years of being told to smash glass ceilings and embrace our independence, some women are quietly sneaking back into the kitchen, swapping power suits for aprons and willingly taking on roles that our old-school aunties would never approve […]

The Unofficial Mother: Firstborn Daughters and Their Motherhood Moments.

The Unofficial Mother: Firstborn Daughters and Their Motherhood Moments.

Firstborn daughters often find themselves in a unique position within their families, taking on roles that go beyond their years. While not literal mothers, they frequently display nurturing qualities and responsibilities that mimic motherhood. Let’s explore this endearing phenomenon with a light-hearted perspective. **1. Mini Mom Duties:Firstborn daughters are often seen as the “mini moms” […]