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Why And How Do We Support Diasporans Candidating For Political Positions In African?

Should Africans in the diaspora get behind a diasporan seeking political position in Africa? yes, I guess; that is not saying we haven’t experienced people betraying our trust, as soon as they get into a position of power, some become more corrupt than politicians back home. 

This is why it is very important for us to get involved in the process, of getting people from amongst us into political positions, by so doing we get to know them and their goals, and then we will be able to ascertain if the said person, has the character to be a good leader.

Below are words from Kenneth Gbandi, who is running for Senate  to represent Delta North Nigeria:

Our Money is good enough for Nigeria but not our voices and our votes: A very sad day for Nigerians in Diaspora:

National Assembly (NASS) almost unanimously denied over 22 million Nigerians in Diaspora their rights to determine who rules them and Nigeria practically cutting us off from the upcoming elections. Diaspora remittances (cash sent back home by Nigerians in Diaspora) outpaced oil revenue in 2015, as the $21.2 billion sent home officially by Nigerians abroad surpassed the $19.6 billion oil export proceeds for those twelve months. In 2016 and 2017, Nigerians abroad sent home $19.7 billion and $22 billion respectively, which were higher than the $10.4 billion and $13.4 billion garnered from oil exports in the same period. This held Nigeria’s economy and the Nation from economic collapse. I am running for Senate not only to represent Delta North but also the Diaspora constituency.

I will also be the voice of Diaspora and I will not rest until Diaspora Voting Right Bill is passed‼️

By Samson Onoja Itodo

Why And How Do We Support Diasporans Candidating For Political Positions In African?

Video: Aisha Buhari, Nigerian 1st Lady In

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