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Dr. Faith Mkwesha Would Be Speaking And Taking Questions Live Online At The Afro-Bloggers Convention

Dr. Faith Mkwesha is the founder and Executive Director of SahWira Africa International ry in Turku; a researcher at Helsinki University, CEREN Department, Swedish School of Social Sciences, a Consultant on Diversity and Inclusion, a mother and political commentator on Zimbabwe.

She is currently working in a Children’s Library Project Funded by Koneen Säätiö. Also, lecturing in new courses she has created on gender in Black and Third World feminisms, African literature and culture, African sexuality, critical race, African literature and culture from an Afrocentric, Postcolonial and decolonial perspective, at Abo Akademi University and CEREN department, Helsinki University.

Her research and teaching interests are African literature and culture, gender, race and ethnic relations, from a decolonial and postcolonial feminist perspective. She is also a passionate advocate for social justice issues, specifically, black women and children’s rights.

She is optimistic and believes in the future of a developed decolonised Africa contributing in the global economy and culture. Thus, she is an advocate for redefining Africa and positive representation of Africa and Africansin media, marketing, Humanitarian appeals for funding etc. Thus, SahWira African Resource centre is actively involved in a series of workshops on Changing culture: survival, resilience and transforming in Finland to empower multicultural AfroFinns teenagers, while, workshops for adults are titled “Decolonising the mind: A third narrative.” She was born in Zimbabwe, worked as an administrator and lecturer in Zimbabwe and South Africa.

She graduated with a PhD from University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. Her PhD in English literature and culture, focuses on Gender and the nation, examining how African women are redefining culture and recreating gender images. Her forthcoming book will be published 2019.

Dr. Faith Mkwesha would be speaking and taking questionns online via Zoom on the topic “Culture” at the “Afro-Bloggers Convention” tomorrow the 20th June 2020, time 7pm, join by registering on the Afro-Bloggers section of this website or on this: link https://bit.ly/AfroBloggersConvention. 

Dr. Faith Mkwesha Would Be Speaking And Taking Questions Live Online At The Afro-Bloggers Convention

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Dr. Faith Mkwesha Would Be Speaking And Taking Questions Live Online At The Afro-Bloggers Convention

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