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Nigeria Divided Tribally As Ghana Shines At Berlin Cultural Carnival 2024.

Nigeria Divided Tribally As Ghana Shines At Berlin Cultural Carnival 2024.

The tribal disunity amongst Nigerians showed up at the Berlin cultural carnival, as a united Ghana showed the power of togetherness, the rave, the vibes, and the crowd around the Ghanaian truck was massive, though the three Nigerian tribal groups Igbo, Yoruba, and Edo community displayed culture, but then each came as a unit and lack the crowd of Nigerianess; their individual showing was weak and it was quite clear that a one Nigerian truck parade would have done far better. The 2018 Berlin Cultural Carnival Afribizgermany organized for Nigerians, should have been an example for the community as it displayed what a united Nigeria can do, though Nigeria Community Germany (NCG) was against it.

The power of a united Nigeria showcasing our culture and Afrobeats blasting from our truck was missing, the last time we had such presence was at the 2018 Berlin Karneval Der Kulturen, the inability of Nigerians to come together is as a result of corruption in the leadership of the Nigerian Community Berlin (NCB), which at the moment is in comatose, the “president” whose tenure is overdue has not been active and as well refuse to relinquish the position.

The silence of those who are supposed to speak or act when things are about to go wrong, and those who side with the wrong side because of personal interest, have led to the failure of most Nigerian organizations in the diaspora. This is the carryover of Nigerian failed leadership mentality to the diaspora, despite living in a working system.

Nigerian diaspora organizations are not evolving or progressive; there is no proper passing of the baton to the next generation, despite the influx of more dynamic and IT-savvy youths that could take these organizations to the next level. Personal interest, corruption, and tribalism a trait that we refuse to shed, has led to the division of Nigerians In Diaspora Organization Germany (NIDOG) into two factions along tribal lines Yoruba group and the rest. The problems facing Nigeria as a country and its diaspora organizations remain the same “leadership” Can we ever get it right?

Nigeria Divided Tribally As Ghana Shines At Berlin Cultural Carnival 2024.

TGMAs Artist of the Year Award: Social

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