Ghanaian Actor Agya Koo Denies Allegations of Financial Motivation Behind Support for NPP Government.

In a fervent denial of allegations linking his support for the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) government to financial incentives, veteran Ghanaian actor Kofi Adu, popularly known as Agya Koo, has reiterated his commitment to the party’s values. Dismissing claims suggesting that his allegiance to the NPP stems from financial gain, Agya Koo emphasized his genuine affection for the party and its principles.
Addressing the issue during an interview with Nana Yaa Brefo in Ejisu, Agya Koo firmly refuted accusations that he publicly champions the NPP solely for financial benefits, particularly in light of challenges facing the Kumawood movie industry. He vehemently challenged the authenticity of such claims, questioning the sources of the alleged funds and daring detractors to provide evidence of any financial transactions.
Indignantly responding to inquiries about his involvement with the NPP, Agya Koo emphasized the absence of financial inducements, highlighting the limited collaboration with fellow Kumawood actors in his political endeavors. Asserting his autonomy and integrity, he called into question the credibility of accusations, citing the lack of tangible evidence supporting such claims.
Recently observed actively participating in campaign activities for the NPP parliamentary candidate, Kwabena Boateng, in the Ejisu constituency ahead of scheduled by-elections on April 30, 2024, Agya Koo reiterated his unwavering support for the party. Despite facing allegations of financial motivation, the veteran actor remains steadfast in his endorsement of the NPP, emphasizing his genuine belief in its principles and objectives.