Deal Breaker When Reconciling With an Estranged Parent.

Reconciling with an estranged parent can be a deeply emotional journey, but sometimes, the path to mending relationships comes with deal-breakers. One key deal breaker is a lack of accountability. If the parent refuses to acknowledge past wrongs or continues to dismiss your feelings, it can block any genuine healing. Apologies, while not erasing the pain, are a crucial step toward understanding and trust. Without it, reconciliation can feel like a forced bandage over unresolved wounds.
Another deal breaker is ongoing toxic behavior. If the parent continues to engage in actions that harm you emotionally or mentally, the relationship may only reopen old scars. Protecting your mental health should always be a priority. Reconciliation must come with boundaries that are respected, and if these boundaries are repeatedly violated, it may be a sign that true reconciliation isn’t possible.
In the end, reconciliation should never compromise your well-being. While forgiveness can be a powerful tool, it doesn’t mean you must subject yourself to continued hurt in the name of repairing the relationship.