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Poll: What Are The Reasons For Breakup Of Marriage Amongst The Diaspora?

Poll: What Are The Reasons For Breakup Of Marriage Amongst The Diaspora?
Poll: What Is The Reason For Breakup Of Marriage Amongst The Diaspora?

The divorce rate in Western countries is so astronomical and the phrase “happy ever after” is looking like a thing of the past or just a fairy tale. Couples go into marriage now planning for the divorce, securing wealth that they bring with them into the union; because somehow breakup seems inevitable. Africans seeing others go through divorce or experience falling out with their partner, sometimes have a rethink and then decide maybe picking a spouse from back home might be the solution, but then many still result in a messy union. So what is in the Western system that puts pressure on marriage?

Picture source: steinsperling.com

Poll: What Are The Reasons For Breakup Of Marriage Amongst The Diaspora?

Micro Feminism: Small Acts, Big Impact.

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