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The Working Woman Diaries (Wunmi).

The Working Woman Diaries (Wunmi).


When I first became a dentist, I knew I had found my calling. Dentistry wasn’t just a profession for me; it was a passion, an art, and a way to connect with people on a deeper level. I poured myself into my work, determined to be the best in my field. But behind the confident exterior and the love I had for my career, I was also navigating something much more personal my sexuality.

Living in Nigeria as a queer woman was challenging, to say the least. The pressure to conform was stifling, and for years, I kept that part of myself hidden. But eventually, I couldn’t keep lying to myself, so I decided to come out of the closet. I thought being open about my sexuality would bring me the peace I had longed for, but it brought complications I wasn’t fully prepared for. My last relationship a polyamorous one was supposed to be an exploration of love and freedom, but it ended in disaster. Trust was broken, promises fell apart, and the fallout left me devastated.

To make matters worse, word about my personal life started circulating in professional circles. In a conservative country like Nigeria, this wasn’t just gossip; it was dangerous. I could see the judgment in people’s eyes, and feel the shift in the way they interacted with me. There were whispers that I was unfit for my position and that my personal life was an embarrassment to my profession. I knew I had to leave.

Relocating wasn’t a decision I made lightly, but I knew it was necessary. I moved out of Nigeria not just to escape the suffocating environment, but also to protect my career. I refused to let anyone blackball me out of something I had worked so hard for. My dedication to my work didn’t waver, even as my personal life crumbled.

In my new country, I’ve found the space to be myself both personally and professionally. I’ve thrown myself even deeper into my career. My work is more than just a job; it’s my sanctuary, a place where I can excel without judgment, where my skills and passion are recognized for what they are. I’ve become more focused than ever, using every bit of my energy to grow, learn, and continue being the best dentist I can be.

Being open about who I am is still a journey, but it’s one I’m walking with pride. I’ve learned that being true to myself, even when it comes with consequences, is the only way I can truly thrive. I may have left Nigeria behind, but I’ve taken my love for my career with me, and it continues to be the one constant I can rely on.

Wunmi isn’t just a dentist. I’m a woman who refuses to be boxed in by societal expectations. I’ve embraced my sexuality, my passion, and my career with everything I have. No matter what challenges come my way, I’m committed to being unapologetically me.

The Working Woman Diaries (Wunmi).

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