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The Self-Destruction Chronicles: Why We Can't Help Ourselves Sometimes.

The Self-Destruction Chronicles: Why We Can’t Help Ourselves Sometimes.

We’ve all been there: knowing exactly what we should do, but choosing the complete opposite. Whether it’s deciding to scroll through Instagram at 3 a.m. when you need to wake up early, or binge-eating junk food just before starting that new diet. Here’s a light-hearted look at some of the ways we all (unintentionally) self-destruct: […]

Spotting the Subtle Signs: A Guide to Knowing If Someone is Being Groomed.

Spotting the Subtle Signs: A Guide to Knowing If Someone is Being Groomed.

When you’re in love, it’s easy to get swept off your feet by someone who seems to have all the answers and makes you feel like the most special person in the world. But sometimes, those dreamy vibes can blur into something more concerning like grooming. If you’ve noticed that your friend or even you […]

The Perverted Man Theory: Frowning Against Those Who Sexualize Women.

The Perverted Man Theory: Frowning Against Those Who Sexualize Women.

It’s time to get real this perverted behavior we sometimes playfully roll our eyes at has some serious undertones. There’s nothing light-hearted about being sexualized, especially when it happens at the most unsuspecting moments. While it might seem harmless on the surface, the constant need to sneak a look or treat women like eye candy […]

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