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The Self-Destruction Chronicles: Why We Can't Help Ourselves Sometimes.

The Self-Destruction Chronicles: Why We Can’t Help Ourselves Sometimes.

We’ve all been there: knowing exactly what we should do, but choosing the complete opposite. Whether it’s deciding to scroll through Instagram at 3 a.m. when you need to wake up early, or binge-eating junk food just before starting that new diet. Here’s a light-hearted look at some of the ways we all (unintentionally) self-destruct: […]

Embracing the Beauty of Every Wrinkle.

Embracing the Beauty of Every Wrinkle.

Aging it’s one of those things we know is coming, but somehow, it still surprises us. One day, you’re carefree and glowing, and the next, you spot a little wrinkle creeping in around your eyes or mouth. Then, there’s that first silver strand of hair shining like a beacon of wisdom. Your skin might start […]

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