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Working Woman Diary: (Rose)

Working Woman Diary: (Rose)

Life has a way of shaping us in unexpected ways, doesn’t it? Growing up, I watched my parents and learned one painful lesson: love, at least the way my father showed it, was not something I wanted for myself. The way he treated my mum, and the hurt she endured those memories left a permanent scar on me. They made me believe that love, the kind I once dreamed of, might not be something I deserve.

So, I stopped looking for it.

I found my passion elsewhere, in my work. Selling wigs on Instagram became my outlet, my independence. What started as a side hustle turned into a full-blown business, and soon enough, I was making enough money to take care of myself. The freedom that came with financial success was liberating. It was proof that I didn’t need anyone, least of all a man, to feel secure or whole.

My money is enough. My business is enough. And after seeing how my father treated my mother, I swore I’d never let a man hurt me. Ever. I watched her stay, even when she shouldn’t have, and I promised myself I would never give anyone that kind of power over me. Love isn’t supposed to hurt, but that’s all I ever saw.

People often ask if I’m lonely and if I want to settle down, but the truth is, I’ve learned to be happy with my own company. My business gives me purpose, and I’ve built a life that’s free of the pain I saw my mother endure. Love is a risk I’m not willing to take not if it means suffering in silence like she did.

Maybe life tricked me into thinking I don’t deserve love, or maybe it just showed me a version of love I’m better off without. Either way, I’m content with my choices. I don’t need love to validate me. I’ve created a world where I’m enough for myself, and I’m not willing to give that up for anyone.

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