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Empathy: The Essential Human Trait You Can’t Afford to Skip.

Empathy: The Essential Human Trait You Can’t Afford to Skip.

Let’s be real empathy is that one human trait we all need in our daily survival kit. It’s like the Wi-Fi of social interactions, keeping everyone connected on the same wavelength. Without it, you’re stuck in airplane mode, cut off from the flow of understanding and connection that makes life interesting and, let’s admit it, bearable.

Empathy allows us to step into someone else’s shoes (and who doesn’t love a good pair of shoes?). It’s about feeling what they feel, even if just for a moment, and realizing that sometimes all someone needs is a bit of “I get you.” It’s the glue that binds friendships, relationships, and all those casual chats with the person at the checkout line who insists on telling you their life story. Sure, it can be a lot sometimes, but it’s the little things that make us human.

Now, if you find yourself lacking a bit of empathy, don’t hit the panic button just yet. It happens. Life gets busy, stress takes over, and suddenly, you’re walking around with your empathy meter running low, like a phone battery at 2%. But here’s the good news: empathy is like a muscle. You can strengthen it with some effort and a bit of self-reflection. It’s never too late to hit that emotional “refresh” button.

Start by simply paying attention. Listen when someone shares their thoughts or feelings. You don’t need to solve their problems, just show that you’re there, emotionally plugged in. And if you’re feeling adventurous, throw in a comforting word or two. Trust me, it’ll go a long way. Remember, empathy isn’t just about big gestures; sometimes it’s in the smallest of moments that we show we care.

Think of empathy as the emotional currency that fuels kindness, understanding, and let’s not forget humor. Because life is better when you can laugh together, not at each other. So, take a pause, listen more, and let those feelings do their thing. After all, a world without empathy is like a sandwich without the filling bland, uninteresting, and not worth the bite.

So, if you find your empathy game a little weak, don’t fret. Take a moment to revalue yourself, recharge your emotional batteries, and jump back into the flow of human connection. You’ll be glad you did, and so will everyone else!

By Edima Columbus

Empathy: The Essential Human Trait You Can’t Afford to Skip.

Working Woman Diary (Kate)

Empathy: The Essential Human Trait You Can’t Afford to Skip.

Dammy Krane Released Apologizes to Davido.

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