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Xenophobia: The New Invisible Enemy in Africa.

Xenophobia: The New Invisible Enemy in Africa.

Xenophobia, defined as the fear or hatred of foreigners, has long been a dark undercurrent in societies across the globe. However, in recent years, it has emerged as a particularly pressing and pervasive issue in Africa. Once overshadowed by other forms of conflict, xenophobia is now the new invisible enemy, threatening the continent’s unity, development, […]

Religion: The Imaginary Weight Dragging Africa Backward.

Religion: The Imaginary Weight Dragging Africa Backward.

Religion, a force deeply woven into the fabric of African societies, has long been a double-edged sword. It has inspired hope, fostered community, and provided a moral compass for millions. Yet, it also stands accused of being a significant barrier to progress on the continent. This dichotomy raises a critical question: Is religion an imaginary […]

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