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The Quiet Return of the "Trad Wife.

The Quiet Return of the “Trad Wife.

The “Trad Wife Revival” is slowly but surely making a comeback shh, don’t tell our moms! After years of being told to smash glass ceilings and embrace our independence, some women are quietly sneaking back into the kitchen, swapping power suits for aprons and willingly taking on roles that our old-school aunties would never approve […]

Pretty Girl Privilege: Knowing How to Use It*

Pretty Girl Privilege: Knowing How to Use It*

Let’s face it pretty girl privilege is real, and while we’re not here to debate its merits or downsides, we are here to have a little fun with it. Having pretty girl privilege isn’t just about good looks; it’s about knowing how to wield that charm, confidence, and radiant energy to make life a little […]

The Law of Attraction: Harnessing the Power of Your Thoughts.

The Law of Attraction: Harnessing the Power of Your Thoughts.

The Law of Attraction is a popular concept that suggests our thoughts and beliefs can shape our reality. At its core, this law is based on the idea that “like attracts like,” meaning that positive thoughts can bring about positive outcomes, while negative thoughts can attract negative experiences. The process begins with visualization imagining what […]

Voices of Change: The Power of Peaceful Protest Against Bad Governance in Nigeria.

Voices of Change: The Power of Peaceful Protest Against Bad Governance in Nigeria.

In any democratic society, the voices of the people are its lifeblood, ensuring that governance remains transparent, accountable, and in service to the public good. In Nigeria, a country rich in diversity and potential, the importance of lending our voices against bad governance cannot be overstated. Peaceful and healthy protest is not just a right; […]

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