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The Tug-of-War Between Love and Hormones.

The Tug-of-War Between Love and Hormones.

When you’re constantly daydreaming about someone and your heart skips a beat every time you see them, it’s easy to wonder: “Am I genuinely crushing on them, or are my hormones just throwing a wild, impromptu party?” It’s like your emotions have been hijacked by a mischievous mix of biology and romantic fantasy.

Picture this: your heart and brain are locked in an intense game of tug-of-war, and your feelings are the rope. On one side, your brain is trying to keep things rational, reminding you of your to-do list, responsibilities, and the fact that you barely know their middle name. On the other side, your heart is all about the butterflies, the adrenaline rush, and the inexplicable urge to doodle their name on your notebook.

Meanwhile, your hormones are the rowdy spectators, cheering on the heart and egging on your brain to just give in already. They spike your dopamine levels, making every interaction feel like the most exhilarating moment of your life. They sprinkle in some oxytocin, which makes you feel like you’ve known them forever, even if you’ve only exchanged a few words.

Then there’s the serotonin dip, which leaves you feeling a bit lovesick when they’re not around, and suddenly, you find yourself analyzing every text message and social media post for hidden meanings. It’s as if your inner detective has been activated, and every glance, smile, or like on your post becomes a crucial piece of evidence in the “Are They Into Me?” case.

And let’s not forget the cortisol – the stress hormone that kicks in when you start overthinking every little detail. Did they mean to say that? Are they interested, or are they just being polite? It’s enough to make anyone’s head spin.

In the end, whether it’s true love or just a hormonal rollercoaster, it’s a ride worth taking. Because even if it turns out to be just a fleeting crush, the thrill, the excitement, and the butterflies are all part of the human experience.

By Edima Columbus

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