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Let’s talk about edging!

Let’s talk about edging!

The first time I tried edging, I was nervous but excited. I had heard from friends that it could make orgasms more intense and pleasurable, and I wanted to see it for myself.

For those who haven’t heard about it. Edging is a sexual technique that involves bringing oneself or one’s partner to the brink of orgasm and then stopping or decreasing stimulation to delay orgasm. This can be repeated several times before orgasm. Now I’m sure at one point In your sexual life you must have experienced it but didn’t know what it was.

Normally, I’m someone who doesn’t like to try new things. But edging was an experience I was ready to embark on. I decided to try it alone. For some weird reason, I never got the opportunity to try it with a guy at the time. When I say edging is priceless! Girl… it is.

The night I tried it. You wouldn’t believe I got scented candles, and wine and added music for the experience. I started by touching myself and getting myself aroused. Then stopped just before I reached orgasm. I repeated this several times, letting the sexual tension build up each time before stopping.
As I continued, I noticed that the pleasure was becoming more intense with each round of edging. The sexual tension was almost overwhelming, but I loved the feeling of being on the edge of orgasm. I experimented with different techniques and discovered that I could hold off orgasms for longer periods by slowing down my breathing and focusing on the sensations in my body. “What is this sorcery?”. I cried out loud.

What surprised me was how much more intense the orgasm was when I finally allowed myself to release it. It was like all the sexual tension had built up to a point where the release was explosive. I was also surprised at how much more in tune with my body I felt. By paying attention to the sensations and the build-up of sexual tension, I became more aware of my sexual response and what I enjoyed.

Since then, I’ve continued to practice edging and have even incorporated it into my sexual experiences with partners. It’s a fun and pleasurable way to explore my sexuality and increase my sexual satisfaction. I would recommend it to other women who are looking to enhance their sexual pleasure.”

Here are some tips for women who want to try edging:

  1. Start slowly: If you’re new to edging, start slowly and gradually build up. Don’t expect to be able to hold off orgasm for long periods right away. Experiment with different techniques and see what works best for you.
  2. Communicate with your partner: If you’re practicing edging with a partner, communicate with them about what feels good and when you’re close to orgasm. This can help them adjust their stimulation and make the experience more pleasurable for both of you.
  3. Pay attention to your body: As you’re practicing edging, pay attention to how your body feels and the sensations you’re experiencing. This can help you become more in tune with your sexual response and can enhance your overall sexual experience.
  4. Have fun: Edging can be a fun and pleasurable way to explore your sexuality and increase your sexual satisfaction. Don’t take it too seriously and remember to enjoy the experience.

Edging can be a fun and pleasurable way to explore your sexuality, enhance your sexual pleasure, and become more in tune with your body and sexual response. However, it’s important to be aware of potential risks such as discomfort or pain from prolonged stimulation, and to communicate with your partner to ensure that you are both comfortable and enjoying the experience.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that edging is not for everyone, and it’s perfectly okay to explore your sexuality in ways that feel comfortable and pleasurable to you. Whether you choose to try edging or not, the most important thing is to prioritize your pleasure and sexual well-being. By communicating with your partner, paying attention to your body and sexual response, and exploring different techniques and activities, you can enhance your sexual satisfaction and enjoyment.

By Edima Columbus

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